RM Analyzer Help

:: Results .: Graphical Result Presentation

Graphical post processing of Results All graphic results are defined, viewed and edited here.

- Plot Container (upper table) Plot containers hold plot definitions that are of the same type and - in the case of RM Plots - may be used with common variables (e.g. a common scale for all plots). Types of plot containers are :
  • PLOT One or more plot containers with RM Plot definitions stored in the Database and may be exported in TCL-files.
  • RmSet One list of Diagram definitions stored in RmSets (:: Properties .:RmSets).
  • PLSYS One list of *.rm files from previous versions of RM in the current project directory.
  • PL Plot files (*.pl) as Results from any plotting action in the current project directory and subdirectories (Constr.Sched. Variants).
Insert, Copy, Delete plot containers The upper buttons are used to insert, copy, modify and delete plot containers
List of plot profiles (lower table) All plot profiles or plot files of the selected container are listed and may be modified depending on their type.
RM Plots (PLOT) Plot profiles are used to define a plot page with one or more views placed on the page. Plot profiles may be edited graphically with the RM Plot Editor.
Insert, Copy and Delete The lower buttons are used to insert, copy, modify and delete plot profiles or plot files.
Modify Depending on the type of plot container, the -modify- button is used to edit the tcl code for the plot container (for PLOT) or to edit textual *.rm definitions (for PLSYS)
Info Depending on the type of plot container, the -info- button is used to call the graphical RM Plot Editor (for PLOT), Result definitions ( for RmSet), text editing (for PLSYS).
Macro Predefined standard plots of the structure or load case results may be created using macros. Depending on the selected plot container type, TDV2000 plots or old plots are created.
Plot to file Interpret the selected plot definitions and create a plot file or diagram in the main project directory.